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Destiny (Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary)

Today’s story is about the very special inspiration for Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary. Destiny’s life began in a filthy outdoor breeding facility where she lived with her friend Jezebel. Due to its outdoor location, the constantly damp, muddy grounds caused many of the ducks to be continuously wet. Many of the ducks consequently suffered from cases of bumble foot infections and unhealthy feathers. Many of the ducks were starving and had to resort to fighting one another for food. A single bowl of food was left out for the ducks each day, so they would all compete in order to eat.

Luckily for Destiny, the kind founder of Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary came to her rescue. Kim did what she had to in order to rescue Destiny and Jezebel, ultimately paying the breeder $15 for each of the ducks and then reporting the breeder to the authorities. Destiny’s time at the dangerous, unhealthy breeding facility was over – she was free to live out the rest of her life with Jezebel at Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary. Thanks to the sanctuary, Destiny had six peaceful months full of love and proper care before passing away quietly at the vet’s office after a surgery for her prolapsed oviduct. Destiny’s legend lives on at Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary, where many other lives have been saved in her memory.

Destiny found her sanctuary at Majestic Waterfowl Sanctuary.

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